
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

hello, September

The -ber months are here! I already heard my first Christmas song at the mall yesterday. I plan to shop early for gifts to avoid the Christmas rush--something I've been telling myself for the past few years, always failing to do just exactly that, and end up cramming until Christmas Eve. Maybe I should start with a list first. A list I would actually stick to. :D

I've been looking forward to this month, too, for the following reasons:
  1. Gossip Girl Season 2! I know some of you might have seen the premiere already, but I won't be downloading the episode until I get home tonight. CAN'T. WAIT.
  2. A planned semi-major purchase, and I'm 80%-decided to push through with it. Hmm.
  3. My cousin's wedding :)
Life's been good to me on August; I know the days will just keep getting better. Cheers to September!

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